Qualities of Creative Intelligence
that helped President Donald Trump

Main Point SCI Point
Fullness Donald is a multi-billionaire, with fullness overflowing, generous, able to fund much of his own campaign, independent of special interests
Purposeful Donald's purpose is to make America great again. His platform is clearly outlined on his web site, to bring peace, prosperity, and truth.
Spontaneous Donald rarely used prepared speeches or teleprompters, and spontaneously spoke from the heart
Active Donald made about twice as many jet flights as Hillary, giving sometimes 4 rallies per day, in different cities.  He is dynamic.
Progressive Donald wants the American people and the economy to progress.  His platform is to bring jobs, and restructure trade deals.
Transcending Donald Junior, Ivanka, a niece, and other family members practice the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Integrative Donald brings together legal citizens of all races, and has great support from #BlacksForTrump and #WomenForTrump
Stability Donald has great stability in his own family and business life, and is for strong borders and safety for American citizens
Adaptability Donald has changed his mind on some issues, when new information arises, such as using fences for some border areas.
Joyfulness Donald often smiles and makes crowds laugh at rallies.  He wants everyone, of all backgrounds, to enjoy life in fullness.
Evolutionary Donald believes in evolution, had the good karma to be born of a millionaire, and progressed from being a playboy to President.
Self-purifying Donald has toned down his manner according to the response from citizens. Donald is for pure water and does not drink or do drugs.
Harmonious Donald pledged in his acceptance speech to represent ALL Americans, whether they voted for him or not.  He thanked Hillary.
Fulfilling Donald fulfills the need of the time and goal of the Natural Law Party to get special interest influence out of our government.

He also has nice teeth. (inside joke)

Principles from SCI Lesson

For the past eighteen years, Donald Trump has been in his worst dasha -- Rahu. Rahu acts like an eclipse, a cloud darkening the mind, insanity, the material world, obsession (in this case with his tenth house of power in the world), cruelty, and darkness in general. But on October 14, just before the election, he entered the best dasha of his life -- Jupiter. During his acceptance speech, he talked about unity and working together. Jupiter, a very good planet in his chart, rules his fifth house of purva punya, return of good deeds from the past. It also rules his eighth house of transformation. So these two areas expand during his 16-year Jupiter dasha. Jupiter represents The Guru, good fortune, wisdom, kindness, giving, forgiving, teaching, healing and helping others. So he has moved from the worst time of life to his best time of life, and just a month before the election. Jupiter dashs, the Guru, made him president. We should see a completely different Donald Trump in the next few years. This event coincides with rising world consciousness. Everyone should forget his past and look to the planets to see what he is about to accomplish. His family is the first in the White House to practice the Transcendental Meditation technique. That's a First Family! ---Gerard Owmby